Long gone are the rudimentary brewing methods that served the coffee-loving people of the world for so long. Or maybe they're just long gone from my own life. I'll admit though, sometimes I miss the ease of my college coffee pot that I purchased for $3 from the thrift store up the street. Folger's was cheap and I was poor, and I needed lots of caffeine to keep from drifting into deep slumbers in those courses that seemed to drag into eternity. I remember chugging coffee turned cold and cringing at the wretched flavor, but having no other alternative.
Since then, coffee has become more than a survival technique for me (although it still holds that place some days). The beauty found in coffee roasted to perfection sourced from the high mountains of the most remote regions of the world has captured my attention. And of course yours... and millions around the world. But I realize that frustration comes when you aren't able to capture that beauty in your own kitchen. It's why cafes and coffee houses all over the world thrive. It's why Peet's and Starbucks employees are mobbed in the wee hours of every single God-given day.
In efforts to relieve some of that frustration, I hope to share insights from my coffee journey that will bolster your courage in your home. Stay tuned :)